Monday, June 21, 2010

Catch Up

In case you were wondering, I passed my GTT with flying colors and even was on the low side like last time.

My in-laws still baffle me.

Ryan starts toddler camp soon. I will have free time and not sure what to do with it. LOL!! I might be able to clean my house and organize a few things without having a special helper.

Fathers Day was okay. I spent time at in-laws house.

Ryan is doing good and growing like a weed. His 3T pj shirts are hard to get on and off his head now. I just bought them in May. Ryan still holds crayons and scribbles with his left hand.

Liam is doing well also. He is kicking and moving every day. I am in my 3rd trimester and there is an end in sight. One moment Liam is head down and then he is breech. He loves kicking my left side. I am doing every 2 week appts now. The OB is not sure when we will induce.

I have a crib, pack n play, one blanket, lots of clothes for newborn and 0 - 3 months, car seat, extra seat base, a double stroller, a baby book, and 3 diapers for Liam. I still need to get more stuff. I am trying to wait until after the shower to shop, but I am not the most patient person in the world.

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