Monday, June 21, 2010

Catch Up

In case you were wondering, I passed my GTT with flying colors and even was on the low side like last time.

My in-laws still baffle me.

Ryan starts toddler camp soon. I will have free time and not sure what to do with it. LOL!! I might be able to clean my house and organize a few things without having a special helper.

Fathers Day was okay. I spent time at in-laws house.

Ryan is doing good and growing like a weed. His 3T pj shirts are hard to get on and off his head now. I just bought them in May. Ryan still holds crayons and scribbles with his left hand.

Liam is doing well also. He is kicking and moving every day. I am in my 3rd trimester and there is an end in sight. One moment Liam is head down and then he is breech. He loves kicking my left side. I am doing every 2 week appts now. The OB is not sure when we will induce.

I have a crib, pack n play, one blanket, lots of clothes for newborn and 0 - 3 months, car seat, extra seat base, a double stroller, a baby book, and 3 diapers for Liam. I still need to get more stuff. I am trying to wait until after the shower to shop, but I am not the most patient person in the world.

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Week by Week

I am almost into my 3rd trimester, Yeah! How did that happen?

I had 2 doctor appts this week and i go for my 3 hour GTT tomorrow.

Wednesday -
The ultrasound went well. The heart looks great. Liam is still measuring 4 days behind my due date. My placenta has moved up and looks good. I do have a lot of fluid and that could mean I have gestational diabetes. The tech says my fluid is 20.5 and it should be under 18 at this time. The tech said it is still in the normal range though, they like it to stay under 25. Liam weighs 1lb 10oz right now.

Today -
My OB says my fluid looks normal to him and some women just have more fluid.

My bp was 138/70. I lost 3 pounds. My total weight gain for this pregnancy is 2 pounds.

My OB says my symptoms sound like my hypoglycemia is back and I need to eat better and more on a schedule. He also said that if I do have GD, he believes I can manage it with diet without any issues.

I am going every 2 weeks now to monitor things like sugar levels.

He told me that I don't have to register at the hospital for another 6 weeks. He gave me the okay to eat lean turkey and lean roast beef. He says that it is more likely to get listeria from un-pasterized cheese than lunch meat. I am going shopping tomorrow if I am up to it after my 3 hour GTT.

He said as I was leaving that it looks like I will be delivering at 38 weeks to be on the safe side. Only time will tell.
